I don’t know if I am the only person who feels this way, but it is always disheartening. After writing a long, detailed blog post and hitting your chest with the full assurance that you have crafted a notable write-up, you end up frustrated because your post is nowhere to be found on the SERP.
I understand your frustration. Honestly, I have also been in that same situation.
The problem you face is your focus on one channel of traffic accumulation. Relying solely on Google to send traffic can be disappointing, leading to frustration and a desire to give up on your blog.
It would be unreasonable to lose a website that you have nurtured for years due to the inability to generate good traffic.
To be honest with you, there are people out there who are interested in owning your blog. You have no idea how many people are hungry enough to own a website like yours.
If you think that getting traffic to your website is the problem, why not try other means?
There is a tendency for your audience to be on social media platforms instead of waiting for Google to send them to you.
It is also possible that you need to promote your site either on Google or on any social media platform to reach your audience.
You never can tell where your audience is. Just try every applicable means of getting traffic and see the changes it will bring to your blog.

Also Read: 10 Astonishing Facts about the Universe
My blog is not designed to give blogging tips; instead, it represents my real self in the digital sphere.
It is a lifestyle blog, so I share content based on my experience and how it affects me and my readers.
The bottom line of this whole post is, to learn to diversify your means of getting traffic to your site and come back to thank me later.
However, if there is any awesome, genuine way you have been gaining traffic to your site and wish to share with us, please don’t hold it back.
Feel free to share with us via the comments section. Our world will be a better place if we show others the right way to success.
Stay loved and stay blessed.