If anyone on this planet Earth were to tell me that I would someday abandon my teaching job for any other type of job, I would be the last person to believe that.
Teaching has always been a part of me. In fact, I enjoy it more when I stand before people impacting knowledge.
Well, as one of the Igbo adages would have it, “there is a reason why crayfish is bent.” In my case, there is a reason why I left teaching and settled for my video editing job.
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The reason why I left that job was employers’ inability to manage their staff well.
This is not just common in the private sector. Even teachers in the public sector will confirm that they are always owed their salaries.
Imagine someone working for eleven months and being owed 8 months’ salary. In fact, if you are a teacher in this country and you don’t have anything to support yourself, trust me, you have set yourself up as a target.
By the time that bullet hits you, it will dawn on you that the world wasn’t fighting you, but you intentionally set yourself up for a personal battle.

So, I left my teaching job because the pay was equal to nothing. Imagine earning $5 every month in the name of teaching. Yes, $5. How on Earth can you cope with that?
After I improved my video editing skills and clients started coming in little by little, I needed no soothsayer to tell me that it was high time I left my teaching job and focused on what is more important.
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I can attest to the fact that ever since I started my video editing job, the joy has been elevated. I know that I don’t earn big figures like other video editors, but I am happy with the decision to leave my previous job.