There was a knock at my door, and when I opened it, it was Jessica, my ex. Of all people in the world, Jessica was the last person I expected to see at that time of night.
From her appearance, she looked stressed out, like someone who had traveled to a place and returned home late.
As I guessed, she had gone to her best friend’s birthday party and couldn’t sleep over because her best friend had plotted for her brother to sleep with her (Jessica).
Jessica, who noticed this (though very late in the night), decided to take the risk of running back home at that odd hour. There was no taxi to take her home, her car tires had been intentionally flattened, and no Uber was available to take her home.
Knowing her home was far from her best friend’s, she insisted on trekking back home. As she passed by my house, something knocked her head, prompting her to stop by and see if help would come from an unexpected place (my house).
At my doorstep, she found solace when I asked her to come in and relax. Understanding her tale, I asked her to go upstairs and sleep.
She insisted on sleeping in the living room since I have only one bedroom, and the fear of the obvious happening in the room clouded her thoughts.

I insisted she go upstairs to sleep while I slept in the living room, just to alleviate her fear of being touched in ways she wouldn’t fancy.
I bet that while she slept, her eyes were wide open, waiting to attack any form of aggression.
Finally, it was morning, and she was ready to hit the road and retire to her own home.
After thanking me for the hospitality, she headed for the exit door. At the door, she asked, “Why did you do it, John?” That question took me aback. “Do what?” I asked myself. I told her I didn’t understand what she meant, and she came back with the same question but in full this time. “John, why did you cheat on me?”
I smiled at first and replied, “Jessica, are we going through this again? I tried to explain my side of the story to you, but you insisted on not being interested in what I would say. Since you concluded ending the relationship instead of listening to me first, I don’t think I owe you any explanation now.”
Just as expected, she didn’t feel happy with my response. She said, “Thank you again for the hospitality,” and left.

Honestly, I do love my ex, but since she wouldn’t allow me to defend myself in the face of allegations, how can I be sure our relationship will survive? She’ll definitely believe everything she hears about me. Yes, we are done, and I think I’m fine with it.