On Saturday evening, Pavel Durov, the CEO of popular messaging app Telegram, was arrested in France. The arrest comes amid an investigation into Telegram’s alleged failure to moderate its platform effectively, specifically regarding drug trafficking, child sexual abuse materials, and fraudulent activities.
Telegram, founded in 2013 by Pavel Durov and his brother Nikolai, has gained popularity for its emphasis on privacy and security. With over 500 million active users, the app has become a hub for various discussions, including sensitive topics.

French authorities took Durov into custody at Le Bourget airport after he arrived on his private jet. The arrest is part of a preliminary investigation into Telegram’s:
- Lack of moderation: Failure to effectively curb drug trafficking, child sexual abuse materials, and fraudulent activities on the platform.
- Non-cooperation with police: Alleged failure to assist law enforcement agencies in investigating criminal activities on the app.
Durov’s arrest raises concerns about the responsibility of tech companies in moderating their platforms and cooperating with authorities. This incident may have far-reaching implications for Telegram and other social media platforms.
However, there are growing tension among billionaires and owners of giant techs as to why Pavel was arrested. They insisted that the arrest of Pavel is a clear indication that France is heading towards the way of shutting down peoples’ of speech.
The likes of Elon Musk, RFK Jr and many others have twitted in support of the arrested Telegram boss.

People are asking questions, why not go after people who are using teTelegram to cause mayhem rather than arresting it’s CEO.
The fight is still not over. Will be bringing you updates on this matter.