My Fake Husband Is After My Life And Police Is Not Doing Much

A woman on Reddit has reported how her fake husband planned to end her life and the police started playing reluctant after sometime.

At her tender age, she agreed to move away with the man who showed her love and affection when she needed it the most.

After her parents found out that she was living with a man, they tried to arrest him because she was still a minor but she (narrator) didn’t support her parents instead she fled town with him.

He adviced her to start wearing a ring just make people think she’s married while in real sense she’s not. A few years later, things did not go as planned.

Read the story in full below.

How She Met Her Husband

“I met my ”husband” when I was 15 years old and he was 27, almost 28. I was constantly running away from home, hanging out with bad people, smoking, drinking, getting in trouble with police, etc. I overall just had a hard time during my mid-late teens due to my own dumb behaviors.

How she met her husband
Not the actual picture

It was the kind of thing where cops knew my name on a first level basis, which is not a flex. When we met, I was staying with a friend of mine who introduced me to him.

I told him about my life, and he almost immediately took me under his care. He would force me to attend school so I could graduate, he’d buy me clothes, food, a new phone, and constantly check up on me to see how I was doing and if I was safe.

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He would even get in fights with people that were trying to bother me or get me sent back to juvie. Because of this I really appreciated him and ended up falling in love with him and you could say the feeling was mutual.

One Thing Led To Another And They Are In Love And Lived Together

We started being sexually intimate with each other almost immediately after we had met, and everyone basically knew we were a thing. He was in some shit himself and when people found out I was with him, they left me alone too.

One Thing Led To Another And They Are In Love And Lived Together
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When I had gotten back in contact with my parents, they were obviously pissed and threatened many times to call the cops on him for being with a minor to try and get me to come back home but I always told them I didn’t care.

That’s when he decided I should move with him to the next city over. He painted it like a ”f*ck everyone and everything” kind of moment. Me being delusional, I said yes. The next city over is where he was originally from, and his parents and family all lived there.

They all welcomed me with open arms, but I had fallen pregnant with my daughter shortly after we had moved. His family is religious and so they weren’t happy about this at all.

The Plan For Marriage And Her Baby

My ”husband” came to me one day and told me we should get married. I absolutely refused as I did not want to get married at 16 years old.

The Plan For Marriage And Her Baby
Not the actual picture

He agreed that it was dumb and irrational and probably illegal, so we just lied to his family.

He told them we got married in a courthouse and bought me a wedding ring that I wear every day. He also told me it would benefit me too and that men could see I was taken and would more than likely leave me alone more now than if I were to not wear a ring.

I had my daughter at 16 and I decided to do better for her. I cut off my toxic friends and joined cheap art classes, yoga classes, and started going to therapy.

I dropped out and instead did online school so I could stay home with my daughter because I did not have money for daycare. I stopped using drugs and drinking.

Her Husband never stopped drinking
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However, my husband didn’t change at all. He would have his friends over, drinking and doing drugs in the living room being loud as shit as me and my daughter tried to sleep and would constantly have run-ins with the police.

They Never Stopped Fighting

A few years have obviously passed since then and my daughter goes to school now, so there’s more time where it’s just me and him in the house during the day unless he is at work.

During these times, he will have fits of rage and break things all around the house, claiming I don’t love him and that I’m going to take my daughter and run away, like how I ran away from my parents.

I’ve always argued back and defended myself when things got physical, but more recently I’ve felt more endangered in my life than when I was sleeping on park benches downtown.

They Never Stopped Fighting
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He’s constantly threatening me, waving knives in my face, and mumbling to himself that he just wants to end his life already, so he doesn’t have to deal with me or my daughter anymore.

He’s always bi*ching that I spend all of his money but when I suggest getting a job, he tells me that I’m trying to ‘outdo’ him and that he is the man of the house. He never yells at my daughter or harms her, but she does get scared when he’s yelling at me or threatening me.

Grandma To The Rescue

The other night, me and my daughter were doing our nightly routine of watching TV in my bedroom before bed. He walks into the house and slams the door so hard, the house shakes.

Grandma To The Rescue
Not the actual picture

I immediately get annoyed, and he comes in the room drunk as hell and curses at me, telling me that I tried setting him up to get arrested by police because I want to take our daughter and leave him, his usual shit.

He starts rambling that it won’t be easy to leave him since we’re married, clearly forgetting that we aren’t legally married and that it’s a total lie so he doesn’t get shunned by his parents and family.

I told my daughter to go to her room and when she did, he began threatening me and eventually started trying to choke me.

We were fighting and he was throwing things, telling me that he was going to kill me and then burn the house down. Calling me all sorts of names and profanities. I told him that if he didn’t stop and calm down, I’d call the police.

He Never Stopped drinking
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This pissed him off even more and we began fighting again physically. At this point, all of this had taken a few minutes and there was a loud banging on the door and my daughter’s grandma (his mom) came in, yelling and saying that our daughter called her crying because her dad was hurting me.

I got so enraged at him for what went down on a seemingly normal night and kicked him out of the house. His mom was telling me that he’s always had a bad temper and that she worries for me and my daughter.

She could see his handprints on my neck, and little bruises on my arms and legs from when we were fighting and told me to be honest with her. So I told her everything about the way he acts towards me, his fits of rage, and our fake marriage.

She Stayed With Her Sister-in-law

Since that night, I’ve been staying with his sister in another neighborhood. I’m currently scared because I don’t know how to leave him. I want my daughter to have a father, but not someone like him.

She Stayed With Her Sister-in-law
Not the actual picture

He’s been constantly calling me and leaving voicemails, threatening to find me and slit my throat. He’s been sending vile messages and pictures of different knives and detailing things he wants to do to me when he finds out where I am.

I don’t know what to do besides bother the police again about arresting him, but they’ve stopped listening to me now. I’m shaky as I type this, I just want my daughter and I to be safe.

The calls and texts have returned, and I did inform the police about everything. He’s gone into hiding and nobody knows where he is but he’s gone back to spam calling and threatening me.

He called me, I didn’t answer and he left a voicemail. Saying that he wants to talk and that he misses me and his daughter, that he regrets putting his hands on me and doesn’t want me scared of him.

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