Mad People Caught On Camera Doing That Thing

In the middle of a community market square, two mad people were caught doing the adult thing. The trending video has it on two mentally deranged male and female playing the adult game.

Onlookers wondered if they actually knew that they were in the open having a good time or their insanity had completely blocked their sense of reasoning.

The trending video of the mad people who were having a good time in broad daylight on the street brought about mixed reactions among reactors.

Some claimed the man was acting in disguise and should be held because he plans to use the madwoman for ritual hence the adult game.

Mad People Caught On Camera Doing That Thing
Mad man and woman doing that thing

Others with a contrary opinion said that they are both insane and should be ignored.

However, from the way the two mad people were doing the thing, it appears they were enjoying it and needed no one to disturb them.

Nobody was bold enough to confront them because you honestly do not know the thoughts of a mad person.

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